Did you know that property cycles, which used to span seven years, have now shortened to just four years? This shift in the market is significant and could impact how you approach property investment. Let’s dive into what this change means and how you can take advantage of it.
What is a Property Cycle?
A property cycle refers to the period from one market peak to the next. Think of it like a clock: the market hits its highest point, then it declines, bottoms out, and eventually climbs back up to another peak. The time it takes to complete this cycle used to be around seven years. However, this has now shortened to four years.
Why Are Property Cycles Shortening?
The primary reason for the acceleration of property cycles is the speed at which information is now available. Thanks to technology, people can access more data, make informed decisions faster, and act on those decisions more quickly. This increased flow of information has sped up the market, reducing the time it takes to go from one peak to the next.
Looking at the Data
Let’s look at the recent history of property market peaks:
- 2010: Market peak
- 2014: Next peak (4 years later)
- 2018: Next peak (another 4 years)
- 2022: Next peak (another 4 years)
Based on this pattern, the next market peak is projected to occur in 2026. This aligns with discussions from recent summits, where experts have emphasised the importance of understanding these shorter cycles.
What Does This Mean for You?
It’s currently 2024, and you have two years before the next expected market peak. This is your window of opportunity to make strategic moves in the property market. With the right information and actions, you can position yourself to benefit from the upcoming growth.
Will You Be Ready?
Now that you know about the shortened property cycle, the question is: will you be ready? Are you taking massive action to ensure you’re in a strong position when the next market peak arrives in 2026?
Remember, in the fast-paced world of property investment, those who act on the data are the ones who succeed. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by, speak to our team today.