Buying your first home can feel like you’re caught in a loop of emotions—what we call the “Crazy Eight.” It’s like being on a never-ending rollercoaster, swinging between excitement and anxiety. One moment, you’re overjoyed at the thought of securing your dream home. The next, you’re worrying about contracts, approvals, and all the unknowns that come with such a big decision.

Riding the Emotional Waves

The Crazy Eight is real. You think you’ve conquered one challenge, but then another pops up. Just as you breathe a sigh of relief, a new worry sneaks in. One minute you’re thrilled about owning your first home, imagining family dinners in your new space, and the next, you’re panicking about contracts that are hundreds of pages long.

A lot of first-home buyers find themselves in this cycle. You’ve finally locked in a property, you’ve got pre-approval, and you’re feeling on top of the world. But then, doubts start creeping in. What if the solicitor finds something you missed? What if the formal approval doesn’t go through? The mind can spiral, creating endless “what ifs.”

But here’s the truth: This emotional back-and-forth is completely normal. It’s all part of the process, and in fact, it’s a sign that you’re on the right track.

The Ups and Downs Are Normal

One first-time home buyer shared their experience of feeling excited about crushing their goals but simultaneously overwhelmed by the thought of reading through a massive contract. The sheer number of pages was enough to spark panic, especially when juggling daily life responsibilities like school runs or work commitments.

That sense of overwhelm is common. There’s the constant worry about things like building inspections, formal approvals, and fears of something going wrong. The “what ifs” can feel never-ending: What if we made a mistake? What if we can’t keep up with the mortgage? These worries are part of the emotional rollercoaster, but they don’t last forever.

The high points? Thinking about that first Christmas in your new home, decorating rooms just the way you want, and finally having a space that is truly yours. Yes, there’s stress, but it’s balanced by excitement for the future.

Why the Crazy Eight is a Good Thing

Feeling like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster means you’re moving forward. You’re heading into the unknown, and that’s always a bit scary. But you’re also hitting big milestones—ones you’ve worked hard to achieve. It’s a sign that you’re making progress towards the life you’ve always wanted.

While the fears are real, so are the moments of joy. You’re breaking new ground, and that’s a big deal. With every emotional dip, there’s an equally powerful high, reminding you that you’re on the right path.

Embrace the Ride

Here’s the good news: The Crazy Eight doesn’t last forever. Once you’ve got your first home under your belt, the emotional rollercoaster won’t feel as intense with future property purchases. When you buy your second, third, or even fifth home, you’ll be a seasoned pro. The ups and downs will be less extreme, and you’ll find the whole process easier to manage.

But for now, as a first-time buyer, it’s okay to feel a bit “crazy.” This is a big step, and you’re bound to experience some highs and lows. Embrace the journey, knowing that every emotion is a part of the process. You’ll come out the other side more confident, with a home to call your own.

The TMAP advice? Buckle up and enjoy the ride. You’re on track, and the Crazy Eight is just part of the adventure. Before you know it, you’ll be looking back, smiling at how far you’ve come.