Category: Education

Negotiation 101 - 10 Tips to save money by Negotiating Down your Bills. Read More:
There’s a lot of misinformation floating around about house prices compared to unit prices. We’re breaking down the facts to clear things up.
When it comes to setting up a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF), one of the biggest mistakes people make is not making time for their own success.
We're taking a moment to share a success story from one of our Teach Me About Property students, that shows just how powerful a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) can be in building wealth through property investment.
Let’s talk about a brother and sister duo, both members of the Teach Me About Property (TMAP) community, and their success in using a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) for property investment.
As spring approaches, it's a time of renewal and fresh beginnings. Just as nature prepares for a new season, parents should also consider how they can prepare their children for the future—especially when it comes to financial literacy.
At Teach Me About Property, we’ve spent some time going through the reasons why people choose to invest in property through their self-managed super funds (SMSFs), but now it’s time to tackle the how.
We’ve made it to part six in our series exploring the six reasons why people choose to invest in property through their self-managed super funds (SMSFs). Today, we’re looking into one of the most powerful tools available to SMSF investors: gearing.
For those investing in property through their SMSF, these contributions play a vital role, as they are one of the primary funding sources used to pay off property loans.
We’re diving into part four of our series on the six reasons why people invest in property through their superannuation. Today, we’re tackling a significant challenge that many aspiring homeowners face: access to a deposit.

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